Monday, November 07, 2005

Within any generation of iPods, various models with different sizes of hard drives have come onto the market at different price points. During the third and fourth generations, three sizes of iPods have co-existed in the marketplace at any given time, priced at US$299, $399, and $499. The least expensive comes with the line's distinctive white earphones, a FireWire cable, and a wall plug to recharge the iPod's internal battery. The other two models include all that along with a belt-clip carrying case, a wired remote control, and a docking cradle.

The Fronde (1648 - 1653) was a civil war in France, followed by the Franco-Spanish War with Spain (1653- 1659). The word Fronde means sling and referred to the pelting of windows (belonging to supporters of Cardinal Mazarin), with stones, by Paris mobs.

The 1990s and 2000s saw the increased acceptance of anime in overseas markets. Cowboy Bebop was widely popular in Japan and attracted attention in the West. Spirited Away shared the first prize at the 2002 Berlin Film Festival and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003, and Innocence: Ghost in the Shell was featured at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.

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