Monday, November 07, 2005

For her part, Spears has responded to their concerns by stating that she is not their babysitter. It's the parents' responsibility. If you don't like it, turn the T.V. off. The only person I want to be a role model is to my sister, Jamie Lynn. (From ABC's Primetime interview with Diane Sawyer).

The steady flow of international food aid was critical in meeting the population's basic food needs; it has been widely believed that very little of this food aid was actually received by citizens, but was instead taken and given to the military in order to improve loyalty. Malnutrition rates are perhaps among the world's highest and estimates of mortality range in the hundreds of thousands or even millions as a direct result of malnutrition and famine-related diseases.

After the breakup of her team, she concentrated on singles wrestling and became involved in a long-running on-camera feud with her rival Lita. She has also participated in storylines with Vince McMahon, Chris Jericho and Christian, who was her associate for a brief time. Her ability as an in-ring performer has evolved over the years and she is generally seen as one of the best women professional wrestlers in the business.


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